" ***************************************************************************** Step 0: Prepare data-file to fit sets of given ratios to their observed frequencies in two classes. For example, one may be interested in fitting a genotypic ratio of 3:1 to the corresponding observed frequencies of dominant genotypes (say First class corresponding to ratio component 3 in 3:1) to their recessive counter part (Second class corresponding to the ratio component 1 in 3:1). The program prints the fitted values, Pearson chisquare values and probability of observing greater chisquare. The texts within the (two matching) double quotes are the comments (ignored by Genstat) to help input the values of the parameters. Some input names would be mandatory as defined in the program. Save this file as text file. You must include the following identifier/abbreviation for the mandatory variables/vectors (factors) and design parameters. Vectors/factors Set : column to represent set of ratios you are fitting ObsFirst: column of observed frequencies for the First class ObsSecond: column of observed frequencies for the Second class RatioFirst: column of hypothetical ratio (component) for the First class RatioSecond: column of hypothetical ratio (component) for the Second class Preparing the file: There are following 2 places of inputting information from your side. 1. First input: list all the variables in the data file to read; the whole list should be within single quotes. for example: 'Set, ObsFirst,ObsSecond, RatioFirst, RatioSecond' 2. Second input: place the columns of the data exactly in the same order as in the First input (Step 1) Warning: a. Please do not put any column of text values. b. No missing values are allowed. " 'Set, ObsFirst,ObsSecond, RatioFirst, RatioSecond' 1 45 12 3 1 2 102 90 9 7 3 500 450 1 1