Computer and Biometric Services Unit International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA) P.O. Box 5466, Aleppo, Syria Online BioComputing Service ......... Date(D/M/Y) : 23 / 3 / 2005 Time : 8 hr 13 min Summary of fitting ratios (e.g. genetic ratios) to four classes ................................................... No. of sets................... = 5 Notations: ExpFirst : Expected frequency for the First class ExpSecond: Expected frequency for the Second class ExpThird : Expected frequency for the Third class ExpFourth: Expected frequency for the Fourth class ChiSquare: Pearson chi-square value from the fit ProbGT : Probability of 3 DF Chi-square greater than ChiSquare Set ObsFirst ExpFirst ObsSecond ExpSecond ObsThird ExpThird ObsFourth ExpFourth RatioFirst RatioSecond RatioThird RatioFourth ChiSquare ProbGT 1 188 164.25 36 54.75 38 54.75 30 18.25 9 3 3 1 22.545 0.0001 2 125 140.62 65 46.88 18 46.88 42 15.62 9 3 3 1 71.052 0.0000 3 180 187.00 210 187.00 175 187.00 183 187.00 1 1 1 1 3.947 0.2673 4 123 138.94 64 46.31 17 46.31 43 15.44 9 3 3 1 76.347 0.0000 5 268 261.56 94 87.19 79 87.19 24 29.06 9 3 3 1 2.341 0.5046