Computer and Biometric Services Unit International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA) P.O. Box 5466, Aleppo, Syria Online BioComputing Service ......... Date(D/M/Y) : 4 / 4 / 2005 Time : 8 hr 30 min Summary of the genotypic, phenotypic and environmental correlations from similar trials conducted in Incomplete Block Designs ..................................................................................................................... 1. Trials and parameters of the designs ................................................... No. of similar trials = 2 No. of replications = 2 No. of incomplete blocks per replication = 7 No. of genotypes = 49 No. of plots in each trial = 98 Selection intensity(level) = 0.100 Variables analyzed : FF, TBY, TSY .................................................................................... 2. Trial-wise summary ............................................................... ********** Notations ************************************ Estimate of RhoG = Genotypic correlation between X-var (X-variable) & Y-var (Y-variable) RhoP = Phenotypic correlation between X-var & Y-var RhoE = Environmental correlation between X-var & Y-var BCoeff = Coefficient vector of variables in the selection index on plot basis BCoeffMn = Coefficient vector of variables in the selection index on mean basis Alpha = intensity of selection (0 - 1) ZOrdinate = Ordinate of standard normal distribution at alpha probability (a tail area) CullNumber = number of units/plots selected MeanInd = mean of the Index obtained(plot-basis) GainInd = gain due to selection based on the calculated index values (plot-basis) GainSel = gain due to selection based on normal distribution (plot-basis) CullNumberMn = number of units/genotypes selected MeanIndMn = mean of the Index obtained (genotypes mean-basis) GainIndMn = gain due to selection based on the calculated index values (mean-basis) GainSelMn = gain due to selection based on normal distribution (mean-basis) ******************************************************************************* Trial number is = 2 ----------- Correlation estimates -------- X- var Y- var Genotypic Phenotypic Environmental FF TBY 0.8973 0.5906 -0.1016 FF TSY 0.2158 0.1531 0.0796 TBY TSY 0.5575 0.4309 0.3234 ----------- Genotypic variance-covariance matrix -------- GCov FF 7 TBY 1036 187069 TSY 128 53580 49375 FF TBY TSY ----------- Phenotypic variance-covariance matrix -------- PCov FF 7 TBY 1013 398539 TSY 138 90124 109762 FF TBY TSY ----------- Phenotypic variance-covariance matrix on mean basis -------- PCovMn FF 7 TBY 1030 239936 TSY 130 62716 64472 FF TBY TSY ----------- Coefficients of the variables in the selection index -------- Weight BCoeff BCoeffMn FF 0.5000 128.30 104.69 TBY 1.0000 0.13 0.26 TSY 1.0000 0.67 1.13 Alpha ZOrdinate GainSel GainSelMn 0.1000 0.1755 877.1 963.7 ***** USE SELECTION INDICES VALUES ********* Mean Minimum Maximum Plot-basis IndexMean IndexMin IndexMax 16834 16013 18958 Mean-basis IndexMnMean IndexMnMin IndexMnMax 15527 14913 17249 Histogram of Index - 16000 0 16000 - 16400 14 ************** 16400 - 16800 42 ****************************************** 16800 - 17200 26 ************************** 17200 - 17600 11 *********** 17600 - 18000 1 * 18000 - 18400 1 * 18400 - 18800 2 ** 18800 - 19200 1 * 19200 - 0 Scale: 1 asterisk represents 1 unit. Histogram of IndexMn - 15200 9 ********* 15200 - 15600 24 ************************ 15600 - 16000 13 ************* 16000 - 16400 1 * 16400 - 16800 0 16800 - 17200 1 * 17200 - 1 * Scale: 1 asterisk represents 1 unit. ----------- Selection of individual plots ------- Order Index PlotLevel Rep Geno FF TBY TSY 1 18958 6 1 20 127.0 8664 2324 2 18601 63 1 13 127.0 5332 2422 3 18548 78 1 41 127.0 6776 2072 4 18311 37 1 27 127.0 5582 1944 5 17668 70 1 34 120.0 4249 2574 6 17596 84 1 48 120.0 4415 2435 7 17553 77 1 6 118.0 4554 2727 8 17415 34 1 23 118.0 4721 2491 9 17381 97 1 9 120.0 4166 2163 Alpha CullNumber MeanInd GainInd GainSel 0.1000 9.800 16834 1170 877.1 --------Selection using BLUPs i.e. genotypes means ----- OrderMn IndexMn GenoNumber FF TBY TSY 1 17249 48 126.8 5890 2156 2 16900 47 126.8 5410 1958 3 16017 38 118.0 4258 2260 4 15975 46 118.0 4436 2181 Alpha CullNumberMn MeanIndMn GainIndMn GainSelMn 0.1000 4.900 15527 1008 963.7 Trial number is = 1 ----------- Correlation estimates -------- X- var Y- var Genotypic Phenotypic Environmental FF TBY 0.4053 0.3400 0.1226 FF TSY 0.0014 0.0545 0.2108 TBY TSY 0.7621 0.8108 0.9530 ----------- Genotypic variance-covariance matrix -------- GCov FF 22 TBY 631 112441 TSY 1 52998 43005 FF TBY TSY ----------- Phenotypic variance-covariance matrix -------- PCov FF 24 TBY 675 163607 TSY 89 108949 110374 FF TBY TSY ----------- Phenotypic variance-covariance matrix on mean basis -------- PCovMn FF 22 TBY 642 125232 TSY 23 66985 59848 FF TBY TSY ----------- Coefficients of the variables in the selection index -------- Weight BCoeff BCoeffMn FF 0.5000 -9.969 -7.438 TBY 1.0000 1.371 1.251 TSY 1.0000 -0.475 0.207 Alpha ZOrdinate GainSel GainSelMn 0.1000 0.1755 734.5 827.7 ***** USE SELECTION INDICES VALUES ********* Mean Minimum Maximum Plot-basis IndexMean IndexMin IndexMax 701.1 -30.99 2442 Mean-basis IndexMnMean IndexMnMin IndexMnMax 1623 1002 2923 Histogram of Index - 0 1 * 0 - 300 17 ***************** 300 - 600 26 ************************** 600 - 900 28 **************************** 900 - 1200 14 ************** 1200 - 1500 6 ****** 1500 - 1800 4 **** 1800 - 2100 1 * 2100 - 2400 0 2400 - 1 * Scale: 1 asterisk represents 1 unit. Histogram of IndexMn - 1200 5 ***** 1200 - 1500 13 ************* 1500 - 1800 18 ****************** 1800 - 2100 9 ********* 2100 - 2400 2 ** 2400 - 2700 1 * 2700 - 1 * Scale: 1 asterisk represents 1 unit. ----------- Selection of individual plots ------- Order Index PlotLevel Rep Geno FF TBY TSY 1 2442 6 1 20 89.00 3180 2166 2 1911 22 1 13 62.00 2494 1872 3 1725 63 1 41 87.00 2488 1722 4 1682 26 1 27 68.00 2203 1388 5 1601 12 1 34 70.00 2170 1422 6 1530 85 1 48 64.00 2246 1916 7 1354 53 1 6 66.00 2168 2019 8 1301 33 1 23 66.00 2180 2166 9 1293 42 1 9 66.00 2085 1908 Alpha CullNumber MeanInd GainInd GainSel 0.1000 9.800 701.1 947.8 734.5 --------Selection using BLUPs i.e. genotypes means ----- OrderMn IndexMn GenoNumber FF TBY TSY 1 2923 48 87.02 2575 1686 2 2617 49 63.06 2192 1658 3 2308 1 69.00 1964 1757 4 2215 43 67.43 1901 1637 Alpha CullNumberMn MeanIndMn GainIndMn GainSelMn 0.1000 4.900 1623 892.8 827.7