" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You are expected to provide values of the parameters required for generating randomised plans for evaluating three treatment-factors (e.g. factor 1: variety of barley, factor 2 : N-fertilizer, and factor 3: P-fertilizer) in complete blocks, where all possible combinations of the three factors were randomly allotted to the plots of each block. You will provide scalar values of the following parameters: Number of independent randomizations of the design (one independent randomization per site-year combination) Number of levels of the factor one Number of levels of the factor two Number of levels of the factor three Number of replications This file contains values of the parameters to generate 2 - randomizations for an RCBD with 3 - levels of the factor one 2 - levels of the factor two 4 - levels of the factor three 3 - replications ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- " 2 " <-------------Enter here number of independent randomizations or trials ---------- (Input 1 of 5) " 3 " <-------------Enter here number of levels of the factor 1 ---------- (Input 2 of 5) " 2 " <-------------Enter here number of levels of the factor 2 ---------- (Input 3 of 5) " 4 " <-------------Enter here number of levels of the factor 3 ---------- (Input 4 of 5) " 3 " <-------------Enter here number of replications ---------- (Input 5 of 5) "