" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You are expected to provide values of the parameters required for generating a randomised complete block design for evaluating a single factor representing the treatments (e.g. varieties of a crop; or levels of a fertilizer). You will provide scalar values of the following parameters: Number of independent randomizations of the design (one independent randomization per site-year combination) Number of levels of the single treatment-factor Number of replications This file contains values of the parameters to generate 2 - randomizations for an RCBD with 12 - levels of the treatment 3 - replications ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- " 2 "<-------------Enter here number of independent randomizations or trials ---------- (Input 1 of 3) " 12 "<-------------Enter here number of levels of the treatment-factor ---------- (Input 2 of 3) " 3 "<-------------Enter here number of replications ---------- (Input 3 of 3) "