Relative change in annual trend precipitation 1901-2007

This map is based on the Full Data Reanalysis Product Version 4 of the Global Precipitation Climatology Centre (GPCC). It has been obtained by linear regression fitted to the 107-year time series of annual precipitation of each 0.5x0.5 degree grid cell by the least-squares method and subsequent resampling to 0.008333 degree (about 1 km) spatial resolution. The map shows the average relative change between 2007 and 1901 in percent per decade (10-year period) as measured along the trend line.
In spite of the high year-to-year variability, there is a clear and often highly significant trend, which is mostly negative (0-5% decrease/decade), with a positive increase in parts of Central Asia. Only in some of the extremely dry parts of the region, this simple linear model leads to an obvious overestimation of change (areas mapped as having 15 to over 30% relative change of annual precipitation per decade).

This map is based on the Full Data Reanalysis Product Version 4 of the Global Precipitation Climatology Centre (GPCC). It has been obtained by linear regression fitted to the 107-year time series of annual precipitation of each 0.5x0.5 degree grid cell by the least-squares method and subsequent resampling to 0.008333 degree (about 1 km) spatial resolution. The map shows the average relative change between 2007 and 1901 in percent per decade (10-year period) as measured along the trend line.
In spite of the high year-to-year variability, there is a clear and often highly significant trend, which is mostly negative (0-5% decrease/decade), with a positive increase in parts of Central Asia. Only in some of the extremely dry parts of the region, this simple linear model leads to an obvious overestimation of change (areas mapped as having 15 to over 30% relative change of annual precipitation per decade).

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