Maps in: Water harvesting

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Suitability for Water Harvesting : Micro - Catchment system Contour ridges, range shrubs


Suitability for Water Harvesting : Micro - Catchment system Contour ridges, range shrubs

The systems evaluated include 13 micro-catchment systems, based on combinations of 6 techniques and 3 crop groups, and one generalized macro-catchment system. The environmental criteria for suitability were based on expert guidelines for selecting water-harvesting techniques in the drier environments. They included precipitation, slope, soil depth, texture, and salinity, as well as land use/land cover and geological substratum. The dataset included interpolated surfaces of mean annual precipitation, a high-resolution digital elevation model, a soil map of Syria, a land use/land cover map of Syria, and a geological map of Syria. Contour ridges are bunds or ridges constructed al...

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Suitability for Water Harvesting : Micro - Catchment system Contour ridges, range shrubs

Develop a fast-track approach for identifying hot-spots of suitability for various water harvesting techniques based on multi-criteria analysis in GIS environment

The systems evaluated include 13 micro-catchment systems, based on combinations of 6 techniques and 3 crop groups, and one generalized macro-catchment system. The environmental criteria for suitability were based on expert guidelines for selecting water-harvesting techniques in the drier environments. They included precipitation, slope, soil depth, texture, and salinity, as well as land use/land cover and geological substratum. The dataset included interpolated surfaces of mean annual precipitation, a high-resolution digital elevation model, a soil map of Syria, a land use/land cover map of Syria, and a geological map of Syria. Contour ridges are bunds or ridges constructed along the contour lines, usually spaced between 5 and 20 m apart. The first 1-2 m upstream of the ridge is used for cultivation, whereas the rest is used as a catchment. The height of each ridge varies according to the slope's gradient and the expected depth of the runoff water retained behind it. Bunds may be reinforced by stones if necessary. Contour ridges are one of the most important techniques for supporting the regeneration and new plantations of forages, grasses and hardy trees on gentle to steep slopes in the steppe. In the semi-arid tropics, they are used for arable crops such as sorghum, millet, cowpeas and beans.

International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)

Unpublished Material

water harvesting, GIS, land suitability







WGS 1984



Suitability for Water Harvesting : Micro - Catchment system Contour ridges, field crops


Suitability for Water Harvesting : Micro - Catchment system Contour ridges, field crops

The systems evaluated include 13 micro-catchment systems, based on combinations of 6 techniques and 3 crop groups, and one generalized macro-catchment system. The environmental criteria for suitability were based on expert guidelines for selecting water-harvesting techniques in the drier environments. They included precipitation, slope, soil depth, texture, and salinity, as well as land use/land cover and geological substratum. The dataset included interpolated surfaces of mean annual precipitation, a high-resolution digital elevation model, a soil map of Syria, a land use/land cover map of Syria, and a geological map of Syria. Contour ridges are bunds or ridge...

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Suitability for Water Harvesting : Micro - Catchment system Contour ridges, field crops

Develop a fast-track approach for identifying hot-spots of suitability for various water harvesting techniques based on multi-criteria analysis in GIS environment

The systems evaluated include 13 micro-catchment systems, based on combinations of 6 techniques and 3 crop groups, and one generalized macro-catchment system. The environmental criteria for suitability were based on expert guidelines for selecting water-harvesting techniques in the drier environments. They included precipitation, slope, soil depth, texture, and salinity, as well as land use/land cover and geological substratum. The dataset included interpolated surfaces of mean annual precipitation, a high-resolution digital elevation model, a soil map of Syria, a land use/land cover map of Syria, and a geological map of Syria. Contour ridges are bunds or ridges constructed along the contour lines, usually spaced between 5 and 20 m apart. The first 1-2 m upstream of the ridge is used for cultivation, whereas the rest is used as a catchment. The height of each ridge varies according to the slope's gradient and the expected depth of the runoff water retained behind it. Bunds may be reinforced by stones if necessary. Contour ridges are one of the most important techniques for supporting the regeneration and new plantations of forages, grasses and hardy trees on gentle to steep slopes in the steppe. In the semi-arid tropics, they are used for arable crops such as sorghum, millet, cowpeas and beans.

International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)

Unpublished Material

water harvesting, GIS, land suitability










Suitability for Water Harvesting : Micro - Catchment system Contour bench terraces


Suitability for Water Harvesting : Micro - Catchment system Contour bench terraces

The systems evaluated include 13 micro-catchment systems, based on combinations of 6 techniques and 3 crop groups, and one generalized macro-catchment system. The environmental criteria for suitability were based on expert guidelines for selecting water-harvesting techniques in the drier environments. They included precipitation, slope, soil depth, texture, and salinity, as well as land use/land cover and geological substratum. The dataset included interpolated surfaces of mean annual precipitation, a high-resolution digital elevation model, a soil map of Syria, a land use/land cover map of Syria, and a geological map of Syria. Contour-bench terraces are constructed on very st...

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Suitability for Water Harvesting : Micro - Catchment system Contour bench terraces

Develop a fast-track approach for identifying hot-spots of suitability for various water harvesting techniques based on multi-criteria analysis in GIS environment

The systems evaluated include 13 micro-catchment systems, based on combinations of 6 techniques and 3 crop groups, and one generalized macro-catchment system. The environmental criteria for suitability were based on expert guidelines for selecting water-harvesting techniques in the drier environments. They included precipitation, slope, soil depth, texture, and salinity, as well as land use/land cover and geological substratum. The dataset included interpolated surfaces of mean annual precipitation, a high-resolution digital elevation model, a soil map of Syria, a land use/land cover map of Syria, and a geological map of Syria. Contour-bench terraces are constructed on very steep slopes to combine soil and water conservation with water harvesting. Cropping terraces are built in level with supporting stonewalls to slow down the flow of water and control erosion. They are supplied with additional runoff water from steeper, non-cropped areas between the terraces. The terraces are usually provided with drains to release excess water safely. They are frequently used to grow trees and bushes, but rarely used for field crops in the WANA region. The historic bench terraces in Yemen are a good example of this system.

International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)

Unpublished Material

water harvesting, GIS, land suitability










Suitability for Water Harvesting : Macro - Catchment system Areas suitable for catchments


Suitability for Water Harvesting : Macro - Catchment system Areas suitable for catchments

The modeling of suitability for macro-catchments is more complicated than for micro-catchments, because the run-off is generated outside the pixel to be evaluated, and is a largely unknown quantity. The evaluation of suitability for macro-catchments requires the separate evaluation of suitability for a 'catchment' area and for a 'use' area. The criteria for the 'catchment' and 'use' areas are different: - for the catchment area, strongly sloping land with soils that are shallow, rocky, or have poor infiltration capacity is preferable; - for the use area, level or gently undulating land with deep soils and no other limitations to agricultural use is preferable -...

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Suitability for Water Harvesting : Macro - Catchment system Areas suitable for catchments

Develop a fast-track approach for identifying hot-spots of suitability for various water harvesting techniques based on multi-criteria analysis in GIS environment

The modeling of suitability for macro-catchments is more complicated than for micro-catchments, because the run-off is generated outside the pixel to be evaluated, and is a largely unknown quantity. The evaluation of suitability for macro-catchments requires the separate evaluation of suitability for a 'catchment' area and for a 'use' area. The criteria for the 'catchment' and 'use' areas are different: - for the catchment area, strongly sloping land with soils that are shallow, rocky, or have poor infiltration capacity is preferable; - for the use area, level or gently undulating land with deep soils and no other limitations to agricultural use is preferable - in addition, land suitable for use as a catchment, must be within a certain distance of land suitable for agricultural use. The problem of identifying, in a GIS environment, land with these contrasting requirements is then reduced to a separate assessment of suitability for catchment and agricultural purposes, followed by an assessment of the constraint imposed by distance between these two different environments. The evaluation of suitability for catchment use is based on the following criteria: - precipitation - slope - hydrological properties of soils - geological materials

International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)

Unpublished Material

water harvesting, GIS, land suitability










Suitability for Water Harvesting : Macro - Catchment system Areas Suitable for agricultural use


Suitability for Water Harvesting : Macro - Catchment system Areas Suitable for agricultural use

The modeling of suitability for macro-catchments is more complicated than for micro-catchments, because the run-off is generated outside the pixel to be evaluated, and is a largely unknown quantity. The evaluation of suitability for macro-catchments requires the separate evaluation of suitability for a 'catchment' area and for a 'use' area. The criteria for the 'catchment' and 'use' areas are different: - for the catchment area, strongly sloping land with soils that are shallow, rocky, or have poor infiltration capacity is preferable; - for the use area, level or gently undulating land with deep soils and no other limitations to agricultural use is preferable -...

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Suitability for Water Harvesting : Macro - Catchment system Areas Suitable for agricultural use

Develop a fast-track approach for identifying hot-spots of suitability for various water harvesting techniques based on multi-criteria analysis in GIS environment

The modeling of suitability for macro-catchments is more complicated than for micro-catchments, because the run-off is generated outside the pixel to be evaluated, and is a largely unknown quantity. The evaluation of suitability for macro-catchments requires the separate evaluation of suitability for a 'catchment' area and for a 'use' area. The criteria for the 'catchment' and 'use' areas are different: - for the catchment area, strongly sloping land with soils that are shallow, rocky, or have poor infiltration capacity is preferable; - for the use area, level or gently undulating land with deep soils and no other limitations to agricultural use is preferable - in addition, land suitable for use as a catchment, must be within a certain distance of land suitable for agricultural use. The problem of identifying, in a GIS environment, land with these contrasting requirements is then reduced to a separate assessment of suitability for catchment and agricultural purposes, followed by an assessment of the constraint imposed by distance between these two different environments. In the evaluation of suitability for agricultural use, precipitation, slope, soil and land use criteria are considered.

International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)

Unpublished Material

water harvesting, GIS, land suitability










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